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Using a little bit of educational philosophy and a lot of practical tools, The Jewish Educator's Companion provides suggestions, activities, and templates with concrete examples drawn from Jewish traditions and texts to help educators explore:

*Games and strategies to develop critical thinking skills
*A Jewish twist on STEM that addresses concepts such as God, prayer, and ethics
*Methodologies that are changing or enhancing traditional education
*Teacher tools to build community and manage a classroom
*Educational programs from all kinds of communities to spark your creativity


  If you are seeking a menu of ways to make Jewish learning thoughtful and deep while truly engaging learners, this book is a great guide. --Miriam Heller Stern, Ph.D., National Director, School of Education at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Batsheva Frankel's new book adds something desperately needed in the Jewish educational world - a toolkit to inspire new and veteran teachers alike. --Rabbi Ari Segal, Head of School, Shalhevet High School, Los Angeles

Batsheva offers practical applications as well as sound pedagogical theory and background.  This is a great gift to Jewish educators everywhere. --Rabbi Debbie Young-Somers, Community Educator, Reform Judaism UK

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